We will run and we will remember

This continues to be a sad and tragic week in America.

I have been struggling with maintaining my inner happiness…

This continues to be a sad and tragic week in America.

I have been struggling with maintaining my inner happiness. Faced with all these events, how do I keep talking about free scarves, tailgate parties and art?

My friend Scotty Johnson, a marathon runner and remarkable woman, posted an image that said, “We will run and we will remember!”. This was a gift. I am not a runner in the traditional sense. But, I am a runner in the broader sense. I have had my foundation shaken many times and I have somehow taken a step and then another and then another…until I learned to run again.

Today I will work to just take that first step…

And, with my sister’s hand in mine, I pledge that every day at STUFF we will run. We will keep offering a place built on “happy”. A place where everyone is welcome to soak up joy, art and inspiration.

We will run and we will remember.


Casey & Sloane, Wings of Hope 2008
Casey & Sloane, Wings of Hope 2008

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9 thoughts on “We will run and we will remember”

  1. Great – and timely message. Thank you from the bottom of my (broad-sense) runner’s heart!

    1. Thanks LIbby. I love my STUFF family and it always brings me so much joy. But, sometimes I lose my way and need help getting back home.

  2. Casey, we HAVE to keep talking about scarves and tailgates and art and all of the things and people that make life beautiful. If we don’t, the terrorists win. Keep running, beautiful soul!


    1. Susan…
      I needed a push this time…but, I trust my STUFF family to be there for me. Thank you!

  3. We all have had a tough week. But you & Sloane make KC a more beautiful and kind place to live. Hold on to that thought!

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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.