Sisters Are The Best

We did not have the easiest of days yesterday, my sister and me. Mondays seldom feel like Mondays, but today was one. HR issues, packed meeting schedule, serious reminders that retail is a bear of a business, too many incoming phone calls. It was not the funnest day on record.

We did not have the easiest of days yesterday, my sister and me. Mondays seldom feel like Mondays, but today was one. HR issues, packed meeting schedule, serious reminders that retail is a bear of a business, too many incoming phone calls. It was not the funnest day on record.

But it was a day where the sun shined and we were healthy. We didn’t smile much, and Monday will roll into Tuesday a little bit, but we are good. Fine. OK.

After the day was over and the store was closed, we went to a kick-off event for a charity we both adore. She left work in her car, and I left work in mine. She ran her child to an engagement, and I went a picked mine up. We met up again at the event and never stopped smiling and laughing.

We were smiling and laughing because she pulled a stunt only she could. She fingered the sale rack and came up with this wicking doozy.

Casey and My Son

And we all rolled with laughter. And we’ll roll right through the week, and I know that, when I do not feel like smiling, I will look at this picture and know all is well with the world.

Work is work and play is play. We blend it all the time, but that doesn’t mean every day is easy.


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6 thoughts on “Sisters Are The Best”

  1. Oh my goodness…this came to my inbox at the perfect time! Thanks for the reminder! Love to you both!
    Julie <3

  2. my day yesterday and today was awful, but your blog put a smile on my face again,,, thanks for making appreciate the good and the bad days

    1. They come and they go, bad days that is. Thanks for reading my blog and commenting! -sloane

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