Just Google It

This vacation found my husband and me on a two-day car trip to get to our destination and a subsequent two days to get back. My husband’s phone makes it so easy to “google” the best. This time, the search results were delicious.

This vacation found my husband and me on a two-day car trip to get to our destination and a subsequent two days to get back. I like car trips. I learned a long time ago that trips are about the journey AND the destination.

Inside Champy's in Chattanooga, TN.
Inside Champy’s in Chattanooga, TN.

I have never been good about pre-planning meals on the road. Since becoming a parent, the best I have ever done is pack picnics to either eat in the car at 80 miles per hour or consume at state rest stops, which are still my preferred places to relieve myself and stretch my legs en route. (Gas stations gross me out, and fast food joints are no longer places we frequent.)

Shuford's in Chattanooga, TN.
Shuford’s in Chattanooga, TN.

This trip, we planned where we would be sleeping in advance, but food didn’t make it onto the itinerary. Being terribly busy before we left is my only excuse. However, my husband’s Internet access through his phone makes it so easy to “google” phrases like the following:

“best fried chicken chattanooga” and “best BBQ chattanooga”

The vine can't read!
The vine can’t read!

I then continue to fly down the interstates and he reads the results. Our only other requirement is that the joints we pick are locally owned, but that can be discerned when you click on their websites, which we highly recommend. This time, the search results were delicious. On the way down to Florida, we at the “best fried chicken” in Chattanooga at Champy’s and, two weeks later, on our 27th wedding anniversary, we ate the “best BBQ” in Chattanooga at Shuford’s on our way home.

The self-serve tea at Shuford's. Yep. I like mine "un". Sweetened, that is.
The self-serve tea at Shuford’s. Yep. I like mine “un”. Sweetened, that is.

I am sharing a few pictures here, but the shots of our actual BBQ does not do the food justice. I am a die-hard BBQ fan – raised religiously by devout BBQ parents – and swear by Kansas City style BBQ and our sauces. However, the pork sandwich I had at Shuford’s was the best pork I have ever eaten. Smoked to perfection – no nasty liquid smoke – and lightly sauced. It was served “southern” style with the cole slaw on the softest bun imaginable. That is a combo I like, and the ratio was perfect. (My husband is such a pig he had to follow up his pulled pork sandwich with a beef brisket number, and he sang its praises as well. Brisket is hard to do well.)

My sandwich at Shuford's
My sandwich at Shuford’s
My husband's.
My husband’s sandwich #1.

I did not take food shots of our fried chicken at Champy’s. I’m not a huge fan of taking pictures of my food, and was so blown away by the authenticity of our surroundings and the local flavor of the joint that I didn’t stop to point the camera at our plates. However, the really fun aspect of Champy’s is that they serve 40-ounce ice cold beers in bottles and, if you are a regular, you pull down your jumbo coozie cover from the clotheslines full of them throughout the restaurant. Most of them had been customized for the customer – by the customer! – and yours is waiting there when you return. Charming. (I was delighted by my petite 12 oz. Miller Lite sans coozie.)

Outside Champy's.
Outside Champy’s.

My mother raised us to “get off the interstate” whenever we can because that’s where the magic lies. We were hell-bent for the beach, so the interstate was our speedy route this time. My advice? Choose great locally-owned food joints off the interstate and let your data package be your guide.


p.s. Click on the links to learn more about these great American restaurants. They both had friendly staff, and neither place will let you down. I promise.

Pretty much my favorite sign at Shuford's.
Pretty much my favorite sign at Shuford’s.

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8 thoughts on “Just Google It”

  1. Amen! When I was growing up, long before Google aided in our search for unique places to eat while traveling, my dad would ask the desk clerk at a motel or hotel where he or she would take their mom for her birthday, trying to find a nice local place to try. Now we use the internet in our search, but sometimes just stumble on a place and it is kismet! We always take an atlas with us even though the GPS is relied on for the most part, and I make little notes and draw arrows when we find a gem. Maybe I will buy a little notebook to keep in the glove box or with travel things and start a “best of” journal when we try a place or have a recommendation. One of my favorite internet resources is to search locations against the website for Diners, Drive Ins and Dives; that has yielded some tasty visits in the last few years. Happy traveling and happy eating real food along the way!

    1. Karen: I was just telling my husband in the car last night that my Dad does the same thing, what I call “Ask a Clerk”. And, I highly recommend the diary. I keep a travel diary full of business cards and paper paraphernalia from my trips and they are a blast to look back through and reference. My son keeps one as well, along with his highlighted copy of the Rand McNally Road Atlas of the roads we have taken.

      Travel well, friend, and thank you for reading our blogs. -sloane

  2. I LOVE your blog!!! Sloane and Casey, when I see your blog post in my inbox, I save it for last. (Remember how we were taught that when we were kids? It works. :D) What a treat! Thanks for sharing your photos, trips, parties, milestones, and lives with us. I appreciate your humor, your insights, your perspectives, and, especially, your generosity. Thank you.

    p.s. I happened to meet you both as you were coming out of the shop a few weeks ago–another treat!

    1. Lisa: What nice things to say! I wish you the best weekend. Ever. Thank you for reading our posts. -sloane

  3. Damn, I love a good pulled pork sandwich. Guess I’m going to have to find a reason to get to Tennessee soon.
    Glad you had a good trip! Even more glad you’re back since I missed your face.

    1. Casey: You should be hungry! Shuford’s rocked, as did Champy’s, but the BBQ was my personal favorite. -sloane

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