The First Cold Day

The children were turning blue in front of our eyes. The same parents that had previously over-dressed them for every snow day were just standing there watching them smile and freeze.

The children were turning blue in front of our eyes. The same parents that had previously over-dressed them for every snow day were just standing there watching them smile and freeze. The same parents that despised making them put coats on over their tiny costumes on brisk Halloween nights in years past. These same parents held cameras aloft and captured all the smiles on film.

I was one of those parents. It seemed like just yesterday I had begged him to get out of the pool because his lips were blue and he was causing ripples just standing still. “No Mom. I’m fffine,” as the sun nestled in tighter behind the clouds. Yet here I was bearing witness to his male friends holding back the shivers while the females of the bunch pulled their uncovered legs a little closer together under short skirts. It was my son’s second Homecoming Dance. Who was I to be the voice of reason and therefore the party-pooper. The “Weird Mom”.

Their lips were almost to chattering, and the cameras clicked along. Yet they ran to the rented bus and its awating warmth when it pulled up.

Then they left us on the lawn of the art museum to find our own way.


p.s. That’s mine. Third from the right.

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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.