Laughter Solves Everything

Yesterday my day was filled with laughter. It was all I could do to survive the comedy of errors my day was destined to offer.

Yesterday my day was filled with laughter. It was all I could do to survive the comedy of errors my day was destined to offer.

Here is a quick snap shot.

  • I lost my credit card.
  • I wrecked my car.
  • I fell on the ice.
  • I peed in my pants.
  • And the dog puked in the car…twice.

Yep, I live a life of grace and luxury. My friend said it best in a late night text: “Ahhh, parenthood, the gift that keeps on giving.”

I hope your holidays are filled with as much laughter as I shared with loving people yesterday. It really was a great day. Now, Friday…bring it!

hApPy HoLiDaYs!




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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.