Shell Art Burial

Shell art ranges from classic to kitsch, from spectacular to horrible. And I love it all.

I am a shell collector. And, though I have always talked about creating shell art, I just can’t quite bring myself to give over any of my collection to the permanence of grout. (No hot glue here, folks. I think sand grout is the only way to go.)

I have always said that when I die I want my ashes and my shell collection returned to the ocean, though I can’t quite see my friends and family dumping my shell art into the ocean. But wait! It isn’t such a bad idea – it would help create a small reef. (Another reason to skip the hot glue.)

That’s it! I am going to create my own shell art burial reef. Just take the structure, shove my body inside, haul it out into the ocean, and feed me to the fish.


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.