I really, really, really want these boots. And, it is raining a bunch this week, so I think I could justify the purchase. But, I am on a very tight budget this month so I will have to put them on the April wish list instead.
Oooh…April Showers!
I really, really, really want these boots. And, it is raining a bunch this week, so I think I could justify the purchase. But, I am on a very tight budget this month so I will have to put them on the April wish list instead.
Oooh…April Showers!
I’m breaking down. I’m worn slick. I can’t take another minute. I’m fed up. The sun needs to come out now and stay out for more than 5 minutes. My vitamin D is lacking, and I am a shade of pale I have never been before.
When I start to feel this way, my mind turns to blue. The color, not the emotion. So today I visited a place that always makes me happy – the LL Bean Boat & Tote page on their website. I seldom buy bags that I design, but I do enjoy the process and their blues make me very happy. I won’t be buying a bag anytime soon. Just knowing that I had so many blues to choose from calmed me down.
I have written about blue before. My previous musings can be found here.
Sloane and I are in an Internet retreat learning fabulous tips and tricks for our blog posts. We know you will be very impressed with our new skills. Okay, not really, you probably won’t notice anything, but please feel free to find joy in knowing that we are learning new skills to throw around our blog.
One evening last winter – not the one that ended yesterday when the sun rose in its glory, but the winter of 2009-2010 – I was sitting in my darkened office at STUFF. I like working at night when the store is closed and the lights are off. I turn on just one task light over my desk, and I attack the minutia of retail. To say I was diligently working on the brain-numbing details of inventory would actually be correct. I was so close to finishing that task, and I had come in after the store was closed to have total silence and full reign.
Then the phone rang. The voice on the other end said, “Your husband says you’re working very hard, but I want you to come and have drinks with me at the girl’s night I just threw together.” I hemmed, I hawed, I bandied about the “I’m so close to finishing and I really need to work because I’m a self-employed business woman and this is what we do” speech. It fell on deaf ears, and I was in my car a few minutes later heading to exactly where the beckoning had sprung from.
My friend Missy had pulled together a wonderful group of women that evening. She says she “threw” it together, but it really seemed to have come together as if by magic. The women I met that night were a mixed bunch to me. Some I knew by name and some I met that night for the first time, but one woman was in the nether region between the those two. She was a dear friend to Missy. She and I had been introduced numerous times at Bar Natasha, and I had seen her perform professionally on many stages in Kansas City. But that night, we talked – about kids and husbands and friends and commitments and responsibility. She is someone you don’t forget easily – her eye contact very focused, her laughter extremely contagious, and her singing voice coming from her whole body, not just her lungs.
And today, while I was sitting in my fully lit office, the phone rang. Missy told me that her dear friend Karen had died very early this morning. The cancer that had re-visited her body – and this time aggressively – had won. I was speechless for a minute. Missy and I continued to talk, and we re-confirmed with each other our deep hatred for cancer. Many other things were said, like “I love you” and “Take care”. Then we hung up and went back to doing. Doing things. Tasks. Work.
There was a silencing in my universe today of a voice I will never hear again. I can fill that silence with peace. I can fill that silence with hope. I can fill that silence with friendship.
I will do all of those things after I live in that silence for a bit longer.
I grabbed this photo from Missy’s facebook page without her permission. She’ll forgive me.
I dream BIG (day and night). One of the challenges of my work is “downsizing” my ideas. So it doesn’t surprise me that sculptor Richard Serra‘s work has me distracted this week. I watched a segment of art: 21 about him a couple of nights ago and I can’t get his work out of my head. Last night I dreamt that this piece was “dropped” in the ocean – just below the surface – and I was swimming around it.
I borrowed this image from MOMA here is the link to the page:
My husband has a unique name: Harl A. Van Deursen. When we married, I did not take his name. I liked my name just the way it was, and, to this day, he will tell you he wishes he had bucked the status quo and taken my name.
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His unique name made for very interesting direct mail, and I started saving mailing labels 20 years ago from credit card companies and those just generally wanting us to commit to a product, sale or promotion. These labels still make me laugh out loud and, occasionally, I add a doozy to the binder clip. A general sampling:
Van Harl
Harl Harl Van
Carl Bandeursen
Harl Vandevresen
H. Van Van
Harz Van Dee
Reich Barl Van Deursen
Van Sloane Deursen
Lately I find myself keeping great spam email because sometimes I can’t stop laughing – not only at the subject line, but at the thought of who actually opens these missives from the ether. (I can assure you I don’t. They are safely locked in my special spam folder and are virtually untouched.) Most of the good ones are sex related, and please stop reading now if you are faint of heart.
My current subject line favorites:
ELECTtrifying bed-action
be her wild banger
Want a King banana down there?
Some magic for your wand.
Torpedo her ALL night
make your woody outstanding!!
Stress Cooling Lovemaking?
BANG Ladies Like Crazy
(All capitalization and punctuation has been left intact from the originals.)
Casey is a little fed up with my cackling, but she seldom fails to bite and ask, “What’s so funny?” Mass marketing hasn’t really changed that much with the advent of electronic mail. My husband and I knew not to give much heed to a company that not only didn’t know our names but mixed them liberally. And, as a heterosexual female, the spam I receive daily doesn’t warrant a click.
If you want to talk me into something, know a little bit about me. Now, that’s true marketing.
We are drafting the plans for our new meeting room, framing studio and merchandise staging area at STUFF. I am so excited to report that we will be getting peg board walls in some areas. I have always admired Julia Child. Not for her cooking – since I am not a cook – but for her remarkable organizational skills. Yes, I get steamin’ hot just thinking about it. Walls designed for organization that also look industrial-hip-colorful-graphic-cool. I am so ready. Oh yeah, bring on the peg board, baby.
This past week while we were in New York City, we ran into a friend from home in one of the long aisles at the convention center.
There it was. A rack of Zippernut Press cards. So pretty. So tall. So ripe for the picking.
STUFF can no longer state emphatically that these homegrown cards are “only available at our store” because other stores in the nation can now get in on the sweet action. These cards are very, very funny and it’s past time for them to be in the limelight. We will still have the nation’s largest Zippernut collection – especially of the cards dedicated to cancer that benefit cancer research at the KU Cancer Center – and we are ready for this wild ride to continue.
Kansas City knows how to grow an entrepreneur, and we’d like to think that we had a part in making this dream come true for this local artist.
I am trying to find beauty in my day. I am not a winter person. I am an ocean girl. But I am starting to like snow. I think I have discovered one reason why.
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Note: I found these images on google images. These are the links to the websites that deserve the photo credit: