Human Geography

I’ve been intrigued by the concept of what I am calling “human geography” – the mapping of my daily life. I don’t think this is really a science, but I am still going to watch for the minute details that show me my way through my rich, full life.

For the past few months, I’ve been intrigued by the concept of what I am calling “human geography” – the mapping of my daily life. Not just how my car steers itself to Starbucks for my iced black tea, but the way I live in my environments. My desk. My kitchen. My bedside table.

I became mesmerized by my dressing table. So at the end of several weeks, I’ve stopped to snap a photo before I clean. I usually tidy up my room on Sundays. That’s when time stands a bit more still for me.

Several weeks ago.
Several weeks ago.

In the wreckage that remains on that surface, I can clearly see my week. Events. Work. Patron parties. Nights out. Charity luncheons. Sometimes I can see the change of season by the weight and scale of the necklaces left in my wake and not put away.

This week ended with AIDS Walk. I wear my red ribbons sporadically all year long, but, in the week butting up to the Walk, I am daily in my pursuit of conversation starters pinned to my lapel. It works. It’s called awareness for a reason. Clerks at the bank asked if I was walking. My server at Starbucks. A customer.

This past week
This past week.

I don’t think this is really a science, human geography. But I am still going to watch for the minute details that show me my way through my rich, full life.


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.