
I enjoy language. Word play is fun. So, when I recently read the term “brunch-block” in an email, I cracked up.

I enjoy language. Word play is fun. So, when I recently read the term “brunch-block” in an email, I cracked up. The sender was being literal. She was proposing to plan a brunch for a good friend and she discovered that a brunch was already being planned. She then stated that she hadn’t meant to “brunch-block” the host.

I am stealing this term. I will be using it. And, every time I do, it will make me happy.


PS…Since we are talking about brunch, I thought I would share one of my favorite brunch spots.

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Never Say Never

Today I stooped to a new low, even for myself.

Today I stooped to a new low, even for myself. I answered – and sent on! – a chain letter via the Internet. But only to eight people, who I’m sure now think seriously less of me. In my defense, it came from a reliable and trusted source, and the message was sincere and did not involve a scheme of any flavor.

I had not sent one of these since I folded six letters in the 7th grade and sent them on with quarters taped to them. I was going to be rich. The letter said so.

I told my 12-year-old self – when the money failed to roll in – that I would never do that again. I asked myself, “How could you be so stupid?”

My 46-year-old self answers, “because you followed your heart and threw caution to the wind.” This wiser me remembers recently thinking, “I’ll never do Facebook. Who has time for that? Pinterest? There’s not enough hours in the day for crazy, frivolous things.”

Now, at the end of a busy day before a very busy weekend, I have logged out of Facebook, finished pinning in Pinterest, and received two – count them two! –  responses from the recipients of my first chain letter in 34 years.



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Sloane is Mourning

Please be kind to my sister this week. She is in mourning. I opened an email earlier this week that read…

I have spent 25  minutes on the intenet and, I’m very sad to announce, that the bic accountant fine pen is no longer made and is currently being bid off the charts on ebay. $35 a box!! (I used to pay office depot $11)

I’m very sad because they were awesome for pricing labels, credit card receipts and check signing because they never left ink blobs.

I’m very sad and I guess need to find us the next best alternative.

But not now. Now I’m just in mourning.

– sloane


Please give Sloane her space and time to grieve for her loss. It is hard for me to see my sister’s sadness. I think we will need lots of long lunches to deal with this pain.


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My husband has a unique name: Harl A. Van Deursen. When we married, I did not take his name. I liked my name just the way it was, and, to this day, he will tell you he wishes he had bucked the status quo and taken my name.

Here we are, the happy couple in August of 1981. I may have been, like most young girls, writing his name mingled with mine in a "practice" signature. Alas, common sense won out five years later when we married.

His unique name made for very interesting direct mail, and I started saving mailing labels 20 years ago from credit card companies and those just generally wanting us to commit to a product, sale or promotion. These labels still make me laugh out loud and, occasionally, I add a doozy to the binder clip. A general sampling:

Van Harl

Harl Harl Van

Carl Bandeursen

Harl Vandevresen

H. Van Van

Harz Van Dee

Reich Barl Van Deursen

Van Sloane Deursen

Lately I find myself keeping great spam email because sometimes I can’t stop laughing – not only at the subject line, but at the thought of who actually opens these missives from the ether. (I can assure you I don’t. They are safely locked in my special spam folder and are virtually untouched.) Most of the good ones are sex related, and please stop reading now if you are faint of heart.

My current subject line favorites:

ELECTtrifying bed-action

be her wild banger

Want a King banana down there?


Some magic for your wand.

Torpedo her ALL night

make your woody outstanding!!

Stress Cooling Lovemaking?

BANG Ladies Like Crazy

(All capitalization and punctuation has been left intact from the originals.)

Casey is a little fed up with my cackling, but she seldom fails to bite and ask, “What’s so funny?” Mass marketing hasn’t really changed that much with the advent of electronic mail. My husband and I knew not to give much heed to a company that not only didn’t know our names but mixed them liberally. And, as a heterosexual female, the spam I receive daily doesn’t warrant a click.

If you want to talk me into something, know a little bit about me. Now, that’s true marketing.


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The F-Bomb

I wrote a blog a couple days ago and I dropped the f-bomb. So, to clear things up I wanted to say…

Yes, I dropped the f-bomb.
Yes, I will drop the f-bomb again very soon.

My mother always told me there are no “bad” words, just powerful words.

Thanks Mom.


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The Monthlies with a Side of Procrastination

Much has changed in me since Mother Nature visited me with my “monthlies” for the first time in 7th grade. Well, much has changed, and much has remained the same. Cases in point:

THEN: In 7th grade, I asked my best friend to “check me” for spots on my Levi’s jeans as I walked to the trash can in English class. (Not a spot the whole year – and boy did we look!)

NOW: On my way to my closet, I say to my husband, “Damn it! Check me. Did I ruin this skirt/dress/outfit?” (None technically ruined, but many a load added to the washing machine for an extra-long pre-soak.)

THEN: I hid the boxes of Tampax in the bottom of the grocery cart until I could sneak them onto the conveyor belt as my Dad paid the clerk.

NOW: I carry the 40-pack of Super Plus in plain sight in my hands while juggling the pound of pork sausage and the tub of chocolate frosting.

THEN: I knew I’d have my period for a long time, and it didn’t really bother me. I used coupons, and I even bought extras on occasion.

NOW: I refuse to buy more than one month’s worth of tampons because I live in hope of this month being the last. Ever.

I was a well informed teenager – my mother saw to that. I read all the brochures she collected at the doctor’s office about women’s bodies. I read Our Bodies, Our Selves cover to cover. In puberty and in adulthood, I have read the little folded-up, info sheet in 6-point type with which Tampax graces its boxes – many, many times. Life has brought on its share of pregnancy scares and real pregnancies. And most women know that those last two tend to change the whole game and re-define educating yourself on menstruation.

I have been one of the lucky ones. I have never really suffered from cramps. I never really experienced PMS. It seems I have always been on a pretty regular schedule, but I have never really bothered to keep track. On several occasions, I have unexpectedly tuned in to my regularly scheduled programming when I have been focused on my own long running reality show and lost track of things. I have hysterical stories of “crisis moments” in both public and private bathrooms, where the MacGyver side of my mind never fails to step in and fabricate a feminine hygiene contraption from whatever’s available. But that’s a whole nuther blog….

But this past Saturday, I think my luck in avoiding PMS finally ran out, as it visited me for the first time, at 44 years of age, in a dressing room at a boutique. You see, I had waited too long to purchase an outfit for a semi-formal dinner that was to start in less than four hours. I found myself near panic from the lack of clothing options in my closet. So I got in the car and headed to one of my local clothing salvation spots – one that has seen me through most of my adult clothing crises.

Alas, every single thing I took into that tiny, poorly-lit room was ugly, and I suddenly realized that the woman standing there trying them on just didn’t seem very attractive. I looked her dead in the eye, and I picked her apart. She wasn’t tall enough for the one jacket. She was too wide for the one pair of pants. She was too pale for the cream sweater. And overall, as a supermodel, she was left wanting. I told her this silently, of course, and I never pushed so far as to reduce her to tears.

I left the store with one shirt. I paid in full with a smile on my face. The lovely women that had helped me were a wee bit shocked, I think, as I had told them when I walked in the door that I had limited options at home and was at their mercy. They had left me to roam and choose; they are good to me that way, and they know I really don’t like too much help. And to think that, after all that, I arrived at the finish line with just one item.

As I was driving back home, my mind was racing as to what was really clean in the closet, what was really at the dry cleaners, and what should have been taken to the cleaners a week before. I realized – for the first time in my life – that I had been a victim of self-hate in that cathedral of all women’s nightmares: a dressing room.

I blamed it on my period, and I still do.

THEN: Most problems like these were the end of the world and were the catalysts for full-fledged hissy fits in the solitude of my room.

NOW: I skipped the fit, gave myself a talking to about procrastination in the quiet of my car, and got on with my night.


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.