A Spring-Fall Girl is Born

I have called myself a Summer Girl for many, many, many years. I always loved the heat. But I think age, wisdom and my outrageous power bills have brought me to me knees. I am now re-inventing myself as a Spring-Fall Girl. This is your offical notice. Please update all of your beliefs about me accordingly.

Please note that our door is wide open, our hair is down, I am wearing sleeves, and there is no sweat on our faces.


PS…This does not preclude my being a Beach Girl in any season. Weather and geography are two very different things.

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Days of Abstraction

I think it is human nature to believe that you can understand other people. We seek to “know” people. We are constantly making assumptions about others. “She is….” “He is….”

I am a visual person. For me, it is like I begin to paint a portrait of a person, and I add paint strokes to the image as I learn more about them. I hope to define or decode them and bring them into focus.

But I am always looking at my imaginary paintings and feeling like I am missing something. I wish could put my finger on what I missed. It is terribly confusing to discover that my imagination has led me astray – to discover my portraits are not accurate.

Maybe this is why I am drawn to abstract art. It strips the imagery completely away, and only focuses on feeling, emotion, essence, and even the void.

Some days I am more comfortable with abstraction. I am able to be less critical. I am more open. My mind is free. I am able to avoid assumptions.

A day of abstraction often helps me see what is really there.




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Bohemian Rhapsody

How extravagantly Bohemian eclectic.

I envision myself traveling by ocean liner to buy a huge collection of these pieces and then return home. On the way back “across the pond”, my traveling companions and I will sit in a small grouping of the furniture on the covered deck of the ship which was made by Dumond’s designs. We will smoke, drink, discuss literature, argue about politics, and remarkably discover the meaning of life.


PS…Find this incredible collection online at http://www.squintlimited.com/.

PSS…I couldn’t resist watching this video on youtube before I wrote this blog.

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Tomorrow morning my daughter will start first grade. Tonight she took her own shower, cleared her own plate, picked out her outfit for her first day of school, and even remembered to brush her teeth. I tucked her into bed with a book and her new kitten. After I kissed her goodnight, she said, “Mom, don’t forget to set my alarm.” I set her alarm and kissed her one last time and quietly left the room.

I then stood outside the door and let the tears fall.

I believe that I never truly understood the meaning of bittersweet until I had a child. Now I hope my life is filled with an endless amount of these moments.


Halloween 2006

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Organizational Freak

I am an organizational freak. I could spend days just organizing stuff. No joke. Ask anyone I know. I actually put my toothbrush back in the same exact spot everyday. This blessed gift (I am choosing to be positive about this quirk since it doesn’t warrant medication) comes with a love of hardware stores, art stores, office supply stores and paper warehouses. So last week, when these little wooden trays arrived at the store, I was short of breath all afternoon.


I even worked the staff into a dither last week with my uncontained joy.


Aren’t they cool? Don’t you just want a giant stack of them? Won’t they solve all your organizational needs? Won’t your neighbors and friends be amazed at your new sleek and tidy shelves, drawers, desktop and cabinets?

 oohhhhhhh. ahhhhhhhh.

Okay, okay I am calming down…


Just one more for the road! It’s like organizational porn.

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Pursue Good Stuff goes to Florida

Here is the PURSUE GOOD STUFF travel album from my recent trip to Florida. My sister recently posted an album from Colorado. Like she said, life is about pursuing what is good, ALL that is good. Remember you are not passive…you can pursue good stuff today. That is my goal for the day.

An evening kayak trip.


Explore by kayak.

I great place to sit and watch the surf.
Fresh Georgia peach. Yum.
Good in abundance.

This is the life.

Find a place to PURSUE GOOD STUFF.

Beauty is everywhere.

Sift through your choices in life.

Boats come is all shapes and sizes.

Keep your eyes on the horizon.

Little doesn’t mean small.

Make friends.

There is strength in numbers.

Spark ideas.
Eat well. Grilled Florida shrimp...fresh catch.


Fresh Florida Mussels – OMG – this is some goooooood stuff folks.

Steam up the room.

Walk barefoot in the sand every chance you get.

White sand, sunshine and nothing planned.

And, never forget to play.

 I will pursue good stuff…today.


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I collect. I am not crazy-freaky and have display cases of Pez characters or anything like that. (I will admit, I love Pez and find them somewhat difficult to resist at checkout lanes, however.) But, I do collect.

I am picky. I don’t just collect items because they fall into a category. I edit and curate. I don’t seek the perfect, re-saleable or considered “collectible” items. I simply collect items for my own pleasure.

I returned yesterday from a summer trip where I was able to go “shelling”, which soothes me. It’s a form of meditation.

My finds will not be getting to me in Kansas City until mid-August and when they arrive I will get to discover their natural beauty – again.


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I am on vacation. It is day two on the beach. And my incredible little girl presented me with the gift of a lifetime. I was hanging out in the waves and she was running, playing and creating in the sand. I often find her lost in her imagination, talking with herself, and building elaborate stories. So, today I assumed she was scripting a play all her own. An hour later, she came to the water’s edge and said, “Mom, come see what I made.”

This is what she presented to me.

 There is no greater gift than knowing your child is happy.


The Bean with her art.


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.