
Tomorrow morning my daughter will start first grade. Tonight she took her own shower, cleared her own plate, picked out her outfit for her first day of school, and even remembered to brush her teeth. I tucked her into bed with a book and her new kitten. After I kissed her goodnight, she said, “Mom, don’t forget to set my alarm.” I set her alarm and kissed her one last time and quietly left the room.

I then stood outside the door and let the tears fall.

I believe that I never truly understood the meaning of bittersweet until I had a child. Now I hope my life is filled with an endless amount of these moments.


Halloween 2006

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2 thoughts on “Bittersweet”

  1. Hi Casy, just wait until your baby starts her senior year of high school…that was my situation on August 16th. I understand completely how you feel. The 18 years we have our children at home with us just fly by. It sounds cliche, but it is the truth. ENJOY her!!

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